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Your Fat Loss and Muscle Gain Simplified

Are you ready to take control of your body and achieve the body you desire?

If so, understanding your Maintenance Calories (MC) is your secret weapon in the battle against unwanted body fat or the quest for muscle mass!

Knowing your MC will transform the way you approach your diet and exercise routine, whether you’re aiming to maintain, lose, or gain weight!

Before we get to MC though, let’s start with your Basal Metabolic Rate. You’ve heard about it, but…

What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Your BMR, is the number of calories your body needs to perform basic life-sustaining functions. 


  • Breathing
  • Circulation &
  • Cell production while at rest.

Your BMR = figuring out how much fuel an idle car consumes while parked i.e. the amount of fuel your body burns doing absolutely nothing but keeping you alive. 

BMR makes up approximately 70% of your Maintenance Calories. Physical activity and Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) make up ~20%, and ~10% is used for the digestion of food (thermogenesis).


BMR + Physical activity/NEAT + Digestion = Maintenance Calories (MC)

PSSSSSTTT: use this online calculator and the adjoining Activity Level table to calculate your BMR and MC in less than 10 seconds!

The Power of Maintenance Calories (MC

To achieve weight loss or weight gain goals, understanding your MC is like having a roadmap – it’s a cheat code!

It tells you exactly where you are, allowing you to decide where you want to go – choose your own adventure.

Eating at your MC means your weight stays the same, as you’re consuming sufficient calories to meet your body’s basic energy requirements.

So how do we influence it up or down?

Losing Weight with a Caloric Deficit

If weight loss is your goal, creating a caloric deficit is key. This means eating fewer calories than your MC.

To initiate weight loss, a 10 – 15% drop in MC is a good starting point. This deficit will lead to gradual, sustainable weight loss without the deprivation of more extreme dieting measures. 

This number should be reassessed every 4 weeks to ensure continuity of weight loss as you continue to lose weight.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

Gaining Muscle with a Caloric Surplus

Conversely, if you’re looking to gain muscle, you need to be in a caloric surplus. This involves consuming more calories than your body burns.

To initiate muscle gain, a 10 – 15% increase in MC is a good starting point. This surplus provides your body with the necessary energy and nutrients to fuel your workouts and aid muscle repair and growth.

This number should be reassessed every 4 weeks to ensure continuity of weight loss as you continue to lose weight.

To Wrap Up…

Understanding and utilizing your MC can significantly enhance your ability to control your weight and improve your body composition. Whether maintaining, losing, or gaining, the right knowledge and application of your caloric needs can make all the difference.

Are you ready to put this knowledge into practice and transform how you look, move, and feel?

Start by calculating your MC using this simple online calculator, and adjust your caloric intake accordingly.

Remember, Flow Performance is here to support you every step of the way!

Do you need help with your weight loss goals?

Maybe you want to stack on some muscle over the winter?

Take advantage of our Personalised Nutrition Coaching.

Contact us here – You don’t have to go on this journey alone!

Much Love,

Flow xoxo

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